Therapy for you.
Molly specializes in one on one client-centered therapy with a focus on anxiety, depression, coping skills, and stress management in teens and young adults. People are not meant to be put in a box so neither should your therapy session.
Each session is created for you with the freedom to move towards your goals in your own unique way.
Molly offers a sliding scale fee for her sessions based on request. Email or schedule a consultation to learn more.
In-Person Sessions
Individual or Family sessions are performed at Molly’s office and will last for 1 clinical hour
(45-50 minutes).
Telehealth Sessions
Telehealth will be performed through a safe and private client portal called Simple Practice. Sessions will last 1 clinical hour (45-50 minutes).
What To Expect
Sessions with Molly are all about the freedom for you to express yourself and have the space to grow and discover the person you want to be.
During the consultation session, Molly will get to know you, your story, and why you are seeking therapy with her. This will give you a chance to see if Molly is a good fit for your needs and you will begin to set clear goals for your time in therapy.
Book your free consultation
Let’s Chat
Want to see if Molly is a good fit for you?
Click below and fill out the form to get a free 15-minute consultation session. Molly will get back to you within two business days to set up your consultation session.